*FEEL FREE TO MUTE THE VIDEO BECAUSE YES, I AGREE, THIS MUSIC IS SO BAD*If you liked the video, please leave a like and subscribe! entry.s.forEach(function (spawn) { This is a map of The Island in Ark, The Red makers are Deep Sea Loot Crates placed on there locations. Abundant and lacking, depending on the amount of players in your server also looking for this resource. if (groups.length) { .css({left: Math.max(0, 100 * (location.x1 - offsetLeft) / mapWidth - widthAdjust).toFixed(1) + '%', }); $mapGroup.show(); if (!name) group.e.forEach(function (entry) { spawn.p.forEach(function (point) { spawnProbabilities[group.n] = spawnProbability; The Argentavis, also called the Argy or the Argent, is a species of bird in ARK Survival Evolved. if (predicate.call(thisArg, kValue, k, o)) { groups.forEach(function (group) { ARK Survival Evolved has an equally evolving community as it has content. Argentavis tend to be in higher altitudes, so it is easy to find one in the northwestern part of the island. It is a highly territorial creature, willing to chase players long distances if they get too close. The Island The Center Scorched Earth Ragnarok Aerial Rideable Utility Saddle Tamable Knockout Taming Battle Creatures Pack Mules Breedable Midgame ARK Mobile Extinction Valguero Genesis Crystal Isles. Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'find', { var imgWidth = $mapImg.prop('width'); '\nuntameable' : '')) throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined'); cheat setplayerpos 177698 71424 -9972. var pointSize = parseInt('7'); Use the table below to quickly locate the collectible you’re looking for and copy the command to teleport directly its location. $groupsLegend.find('li.is-detail').hide(); .css({left: Math.max(0, 100 * ((point.x - offsetLeft) / mapWidth - pointSize / (2 * imgWidth))).toFixed(1) + '%', var $groupsLegend = $('
    '); } $groupEntries.append($entry); }); var o = Object(this); ); I'm currently based at the footpaw near cragg's island and the green ark. spawn.l.forEach(function (location) { .change(function () { if (urlHash) { Ragnarok 5. Haved tried all west coast and various inland bits. There are two ways to spawn a creature in Ark. } $entry.append($npcs); Where can i find an argentavis on the south sode of the island? spawnData.forEach(function (group) { '\nuntameable' : '')) Al igual que otras aves depredadoras, como el Terror Bird, se sirve de su afilado pico y enormes garras para capturar y despac… var name2 = null; var $group = $('
  • ') .change(function () { var rarityClass = cssRarityClasses[spawnRarity]; GPS Coordinates for Argentavis Dossier. var groups = spawnData.filter(function (group) { Island to the northeast of the blue obelisk. Un pájaro de rapiña como el buitre y de ojos penetrantes, el humilde Argentavis es de lejos el ave más grande de la isla , Dejando a fuera al Pelagornis y empequeñeciendo al Kairuku. It’ll give you all the locations of whatever you want. // draw spawn areas or points to the map Smuggler's Pass and Hidden Lake 4. if (translations[name]) { // translation for a name exists? You can google and find a spawn map. This page was last edited on 18 February 2019, at 20:58. $npcs.append($npc); Northwest mountain peaks (including volcano), central island mountain peak, northeast mountain peak, death island, to name a few prime spots. var thisArg = arguments[1]; Valguero $group.append($('
    ').addClass('dot point ' + rarityClass) } spawnProbabilities[group.n] : 0) * spawn.f; } More On Dossiers & Explorer Notes Each and every dossier will explain a little more about the specific creature or give you some backstory about the island. var spawnRarity = Math.min(5, Math.round(1.5 * (Math.log(1 + 2 * spawnAmount)))); } Argentavis spawn location. var imgHeight = $mapImg.prop('height'); Blue Obelisk. if (typeof predicate !== 'function') { Explanation : Ark Creature IDs can be used to spawn in-game creatures. There are many hill and high places but maybe I've not been lucky in the ones I visited. }); A keen-eyed and vulture-like bird of prey, this species ranges all across the island and is found in a variety of colors, while its sheer size and broad wings make it impossible to mistake for any other bird. var $this = $(this); var $mapGroup = $('#group-' + $this.val()); bottom: Math.min(100, 100 * (100 - location.y2 - (100 - offsetBottom)) / mapHeight - heightAdjust).toFixed(1) + '%', Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. top: Math.max(0, 100 * ((point.y - offsetTop) / mapHeight - pointSize / (2 * imgWidth))).toFixed(1) + '%'}) .append($('